I was refereed to EAC by a close friend of mine, at the time nothing in my life was going the way I’d hope. After listening to me he had me register for the Discovery program.
I had heard of self-development/transformational workshops and I was interested in achieving better results in my business & social life. I always made excuses why I couldn’t attend the worksop, whether it be financial or work related. After a while I just decided to go ahead and do it.
Honestly, walking in I was looking for the workshop to “fix me” or give me a magical pill. Fortunately however, it gave me the tools to achieve the levels I’ve wanted. Since going through the EAC seminars I achieved promotions at work and have a completely different relationship with my family, friends and all the people around me.
The workshops are not there to “fix” anybody but to help people get the maximum result possible in their life.
Thank You EAC & Sam